School shootings in the USA

Psychologists take on School shootings in the USA.

The school shootings in the USA that have been increasing over the years have been a growing concern for mental health experts. A concerned psychologist explains why this has become a major issue and suggests ways to prevent these shootings from happening.

School shootings are an increasingly alarming problem. According to CNN, the frequency of this type of crime has increased over the years, resulting in more than 31,000 victims in 2015 alone. It is no surprise that researchers, psychologists, and even journalists are exploring the causes of this phenomenon.

CNN reports that a leading researcher, David Hemenway, has been looking into identifying social factors that could be responsible for this. He released a study on his findings on the causes of school shootings several years ago.

In 2014, Hemenway was quoted by Time as saying: “If you can find the cause of gun violence (school shootings) I think you can make some significant progress in reducing it…The American public has been really surprised by these numbers. We think we have good solutions, but we don’t know what those are.”

Role of Media Violence in School-based Shootings

His latest research focuses on understanding how the media can affect violence among young people. The study, titled “Media and Violence: Examining the Role of Media Violence in School-based Shootings,” looked at a selection of shootings that occurred within the United States from 2000 to 2015 and analyzed what role the media might have played in them.

“Media has one of the greatest influences on youth,” he said. “We found a strong correlation between media violence and school shootings.” Hemenway’s study examined the data of approximately 11,000 students who had taken part in a study on adolescents’ exposure to media violence. After analyzing the data, they found that those who had been exposed to violent media were seven times more likely to be involved in real-life violent incidents compared to those students who had not been subjected to this type of content.

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Are the increased cases of mass shootings in the USA a matter of mental health?

Mass shootings have been a regular occurrence in North America. Canada and the United States have had a number of mass shootings in recent history, including the mass shooting on Parliament Hill in Ottawa on October 22nd, 2014. Recent evidence has also shown that many mass shooters suffer from mental health issues such as psychotic breaks and mood disorders. A report by the FBI in 2013 found that only 13% of active shooters had no signs of mental health issues before their perpetration. This article will discuss this topic, considering both sides, and conclude that the mental health debate is relevant.

“The exact cause and reason why [mass shootings] happens has not yet been identified, and there are many factors that lead up to the mass shooting

In a recent case, Jordan Manners was shot and killed in his own high school classroom where the shooter was another student. In this case, much blame was put on his mother’s head for not giving proper attention to her son and the school board for not having a full security staff around the building. An article published by ABC News shows that, police officials have found that they are five times more likely to be injured at an airport than at a so-called educational institution. The article says, “In the year 2000, there were more than 3 million reports of violent crime at the nation’s schools. The Federal Bureau of Investigation found only 18 homicides on campuses among the almost 45 million students at school.”

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